compilation of this definitive Nominal Roll was achieved using the AAS Record
Cards held in the Archive of the Sample Record
Card Legend
Ì : In the interests of security your AAS
Record Card is only available via e-mail from Webmaster. Please quote your regimental number as
proof of identity. Ì : Your AAS Record Card is either missing
or unavailable from the Archive Ì : AAS Record Card published posthumously Click on a name to view his Military Service Record &
Civilian Career Part One Intake 49B Apprentices who completed their training,
Passing Out on |
’A’ Company |
Total |
23 |
Ì Barber B.O. |
Ì Newby C. |
‘B’ Company |
Total |
24 |
Ì Arnold J.E.R. |
Ì Cassells G. |
Ì Dunn G. |
‘D’ Company |
Total |
21 |
Ì Bonner G.G. |
Ì Cassells J. |
[aka Hayden J.R.] |
NOTE: On 15th
September 1951 when ‘D’ Company was mothballed because of a lack of recruit
entrants for September 1951 [51B], the following Apprentice Tradesmen were dispersed
to other Companies as listed below. |
’A’ Company |
‘B’ Company |
‘C’ Company |
Ì Bonner G.G. |
Ì Cassells J. |
Company not
known |
Total |
2 |
Ì Watson |
Grand Total |
91 |
Part Two
Intake 49B Apprentices transferred to intake 50A to complete
their training
Part Three
Intake 49A Apprentices transferred to intake 49B to complete
their training
Ì Archibald D. |
Ì King T. |
Total : 10 |
Part Four
Intake 49A Apprentices transferred to Intake 49B, &
Intake 49B Apprentices,
all of whom were transferred or discharged
Part Five
Apprentices nominated as Intake 49B, but unable to be verified
their Record Cards are either missing from the archive or