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Memories of Libya 1956 to 1959


Contributed by Trevor STUBBERFIELD 52A




Editor’s Note.

Back in 2008 the article was started as a ‘travelogue’ to show a very different view of Libya to the modern country that it is today.  The pages have grown in number, due mostly to the welcome contributions from those who spent time there, both service and civilian personnel.  They have kindly shared their photos and memories to produce a section that attracts growing numbers of visitors.

Whilst most pages can be read from the main index, there are some that are in different sections of the main site which are usually found by the use of search engines, or just stumbled across by chance.  This supplementary index brings them together to enhance the fuller picture of Libya in the 1950s.

The use of a lot of ‘Right Click’ & ‘Back’ will keep you within this index.








Max Warwick.


A series of photos based on military and civilian views when Max was with 3 R.H.A. in Homs, Tripolitania.




Terry Reddin.


Terry was at 12 Arm’d W/S R.E.M.E. in Benghazi, Cyrenaica district.




David Croton.


Photos based on the L.A.D. Royal Sigs. 10th Arm’d. Division, Gialo Barracks, then Medenine Barracks with the L.A.D. 38 Coy. R.A.S.C. Tripolitania District.  Photos include an open day at Wheelus Field, a local American air base.  Excursion to Qasar al Haj.  Colour slides of Sabratha.




Alan Calder.


Alan was with 5 Medium W/S R.E.M.E. at Gurgi Barracks, Tripoli.  The Garian Lady features along with a services cup final report.




Alan Ward.


Alan supplied photos of Tripoli including a schoolgirl riot.




Tony Burton.


Tony was at 19 Arm’d W/S R.E.M.E. in Gialo barracks, 5 Medium W/S R.E.M.E. at Gurgi Barracks, Tripoli, which morphed into Station W/S.




‘Champ World’


Enthusiasts take a close look at Austin Champs in Tripoli, and spread the word about our web site.  (The page is on this site).




John Doggett.


John was at Gialo Barracks and has contributed colour slides of Tripoli.

Photos of the floods at Gialo Barracks.

Photos of Gialo Barracks and beyond.

Photos of some Military Moments.

Local news with the ‘Sunday Ghibli’.

Several contemporary publications.







First Published: 1st May 2017.

Latest Update: 1st August 2018.





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