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Memories of Libya 1956 to 1959


Edited by Trevor STUBBERFIELD 52A


Libyan Extras Continued.


Photos and comments by John Doggett, Royal Engineers.


22 Field Engineer Regiment, Gialo Barracks, Tripoli.


Contemporary Publications.



Remembrance Sunday, Tripoli, 1957.


Editor’s Note (1).

The image shown above is a bus timetable for a service run by the ‘Tripoli Army Bus Service’ (TABS) and staffed by the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC).  There was a small fleet of buses, sand coloured, and ranging from 8 to 30 seater vehicles.  They enabled service personnel and their families to get around the city and local districts for shopping and recreation etc.  When there was a shortage of a driver or two, anyone with a driving licence, such as ‘The Editor’, was liable to be press-ganged from their unit to do a shift behind the wheel.  All too often the journey depended on the passengers keeping the temporary drivers on route.  Somehow, a few travellers seemed to end up very near to where they lived, disembarking with instructions for the driver on how to get back onto the correct run.  This probably prompted the acquisition of two Ford Fairlane saloons to be run as taxis.

Later, the bus fleet was further augmented with the arrival of a much bigger bus which was named ‘Big Ben’.  This retained a dark green livery and can be seen in the photo below, parked in Castle Square, near to the RMP Info Post, so at least it was on the proper timetable stop.  Must have been a regular driver?






Editor’s Note (2).

When John supplied the concert programme shown above, memories flooded back.  Wilbur de Paris and his band played two concerts, back to back, on the same day.  One performance in the afternoon followed by one in the evening.  Starved of good live music, ‘The Editor’ dug deep in his purse and found enough piastres to buy tickets for both sessions.  Variations of content in both concerts made it a very special day to remember.  Thanks John.




First Published: 1st July 2018.

Revised and Latest Update: 1st August 2018.











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