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ALREWAS - Friday 19th July to Sunday 21st July 2013 inclusive.


The following report contributed by Trevor STUBBERFIELD (52A)


Photographic contributions as attributed.


Photos included in this report remain the Copyright © of Max WARWICK 49B (MW) and Trevor STUBBERFIELD 52A (TS) and should not be copied without the express permission of the owners.


Saturday.  Drum Head Service. Page 2.


The reading of the ‘Roll Of Honour’.


Each year, the names of those Old Boys who have been recalled to H.Q. since the last reunion are read out and a Cross of Remembrance is laid for them.  Also included are those classed as ‘Belated Notifications’ of which there has been an increase in numbers.  It enables us to honour all our Arborfield comrades, and their contemporaries in particular can remember them.


R13 MW 6416

One of two of the memorial benches bearing the Crosses of Remembrance.



There was an audible ripple of shock when it was announced that the total number of names on the Roll of Honour this year was 52.  However there were a number of belated notifications to swell that total.

For example, the first name was that of Joseph Hinds, October 1939 intake.  The family of Joe had contacted ‘The Editor’ to ask that his name be added to the Nominal Roll project that we have been compiling on this site.  They included details of Joe’s Arborfield service and beyond, along with a later photo of him.  Joe died in September 2001 and I passed the details to the A.O.B.A as a belated entry.  Alan Grounsell died just before the last reunion so he has been included in the total for this year.  No doubt there were a number of names included in the annual total but which are classed as belated notifications. However, the passing of Mike Melloy was this year, as indeed was the loss of Keith Evans, a good friend of the 49ers site.


Clicking on the Crosses of Remembrance below will reveal the details of each individual held on site.














R13 MW 6440

The reading of the ‘Roll of Honour’.



R13 MW 6442

The sounding of ‘The Last Post’ to be followed after the silence by ‘Reveille’.


The piper played the lament ‘Flowers of the forest’.



R13 MW 6443



Since the June 2012 A.O.B.A. Reunion Drum Head Service, a separate Dedication and Remembrance Service was held on the 9th September 2012 at which additional Memorial Tablets were received.  The following two photos show the 30 new tablets.


R13 TS 560a



R13 TS 565a



Many more photos on site pertaining to the Army Apprentice National Memorial can be viewed from





R13 TS 553

Whist walking through the grounds of the N.M.A to the Army Apprentice National Memorial to attend the Drum Head Service, ‘The Editor’ spotted this plaque.   We gather to remember our comrades who served at Arborfield as apprentices.  In doing so, we will include Royal Signals Apprentice Tradesman David Wright Sutherland who died in May 1943 and is buried far from home in the cemetery in Finchampstead, near Arborfield with two more Arborfield apprentices.  Unusually for the period, his headstone bears the badge of the Royal Signals which was not generally seen at the Arborfield school.  The Royal Signals have no record of him joining them, only his casualty record.   At least we can honour him as one of our own whilst still trying to clear up why he was at Arborfield.  The convoluted search for clarification can be followed from our on site page……….

A.A.S. Memorials.





The Editor.


First Published: 22nd August 2013.





                                                                         Saturday’s Events Continued.