Todendorf Ranges


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For the benefit of anyone who picks up this little book but who has never heard of Todendorf, it must be briefly explained that the Ranges lie on the Baltic coast east of Kiel in Germany.


The Camp was established by NATO for the use of Allied Anti-Aircraft units, and Britain was entrusted by NATO with the task of running the ranges until 31 March 1958, when Germany takes over.


The book has therefore been prepared as a souvenir for those British of all ranks who have been members of the Permanent Staff.


I have been able to write the story of the last three years from my personal memories, aided by those still serving with me. For the story of the early days, I am greatly indebted to Mr. K.D. Whitmarsh MBE of the Joint Services Liaison Organisation in Kiel and to Lt. Colonel F.D. Mann of the Chief Engineer’s Staff in Hannover. Both responded immediately to my appeal for help and went to the great trouble to dig out all the facts I needed.


The majority of the photographs were taken by Capt. S. Townsend RE, whose excellent contribution I also wish to acknowledge. All his photographs illustrate the camp as it is today, and of necessity show only the present-day Permanent Staff. In order to include some earlier members and their activities, a number of photographs taken by BQMS (now BSM) Marshall and by myself have been added. The problem has been to keep down production costs and therefore a very large number of excellent and interesting earlier photographs have had to be omitted – my apologies to those so excluded!


Last, and by no means least, I want to acknowledge the loyal and enthusiastic support of all ranks throughout my three years here. My contribution was perhaps to have ideas, but they would have come to nought if the team had not accepted them, carried them out and made them flourish when completed.


In planning, building and using the amenities and activities we have created, I have gained a great number of friendships which I treasure. It is because I believe that many others feel the same that this book has been produced. I hope it will help to keep alive some memories.



Todendorf, March 1958.



Chapter I