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Refurbishment and Rededication.


Contributed by: Gordon BONNER (49B)


Arborfield Army Apprentices School.


Photographic Contributions, Copyright © John Hubberts.



R.E.M.E. Memorial – Rededication. 2nd June 2015.



R.E.M.E. Corps Memorial Re-Dedication Day.


(Scribe – Maurice E Hope, Vice Chairman, Potteries & District R.E.M.E. Association).


Tuesday June 2nd 2015.

The long awaited day for the re-dedication of the R.E.M.E. Corps memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum dawned with Staffordshire covered in grey clouds with the threat of showers and possibly heavy rain in the morning, but promising to brighten up in the afternoon, that was not what we wanted for the local weather forecast.

Luckily for several hundred serving Corps personnel, from numerous units, plus many veterans and Association members and their families in attendance, that travelled from all corners of the country to be at our service it never turned out that way, so the weather didn't spoil the special day or ruin the outdoor service at our memorial.

Unfortunately for anyone expecting to find an easy parking spot they would be very disappointed as our chosen re-dedication day clashed with the annual VE Day celebrations which meant thousands more people had descended on the NMA than would normally be there, so anyone who had not arrived before ten am found themselves having to park on the overspill car park, a stiff walk down the road, even though they may have been in possession of a privileged day parking pass.

Prior to the spectators assembling at the memorial, the Corps ASM Liam Condron, had put all the Standard Bearers through their paces to ensure their participation in the service ran smoothly....there were no fewer than twenty two standards on parade which included the Corps Headquarters standard and the Union Flag.

Sadly, with no Corps Staff Band now to call upon, we were ably served by the band of The Parachute Regiment, who played a short medley prior to the service commencing, which encouraged any late stragglers who had been savouring the refreshments in the visitor’s centre, to get their bodies down to the memorial site.

With two contingents of approximately thirty serving members of the Corps fallen in on either side of the approach ramp in three ranks the service was all set to proceed.

Under the CASM the standard bearers had been formed up in two ranks a short distance away in front of The Household Division memorial, before being marched to our memorial led by the Union Flag and Corps HQ's Standard.  The two files took post in front of the assembled troops on either side of the memorial ramp, with the Union Flag and HQ Standard positioned behind the memorial.

Following the march on of the Standards the formal Order of Service then commenced with the Chaplains procession, led by the verger of the Arborfield garrison church Lt Col (Retd.) L. Le Var, and also the Master General of the Corps, Lt .General Andrew Figgures CB, CBE, and the Corps Chaplain the Reverend Stephen Thatcher Lth,ALCD,DPS,PGCE,CF who conducted the service.

Following “The Bidding” by the Chaplain, the first hymn, ”Our God, our help in ages past” preceded the reading by Lt Col (retd) L. LeVar (Ecclesiasticus 44:1-10, 13-14).

The Master General then read out “The Tribute”, before inviting the Corps Chaplain to dedicate the refurbished monument with these words;-

Reverend Sir, on behalf of the Officers and men and women of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, I ask you to re-dedicate this monument to the glory of God and in memory of those who died in the great wars, and in all other wars and conflicts since, and in tribute to all who have served and will serve the cap badge of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.”

The Corps Chaplain then re-dedicated the memorial saying:-

 “To the glory of God, and in memory of those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom, and in the service of their Queen and their country, and also in tribute to those who serve and will serve the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers I now re-dedicate this monument in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”.

One minute's silence followed to commemorate the fallen of the Corps, before all those present joined in with the commitment led by the Corps Chaplain, saying together;-

Teach us good Lord, to serve thee as thou deservest;

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to heed the wounds,

To toil and not to seek for rest,

To labour and not to ask for any reward,

Save that of knowing that we do thy will;

Through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen

All joined in the second hymn,

“For all the saints who from their labours rest”.

Prayers were then said for Her Majesty the Queen....For The Forces of the Crown, and for The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

The formal service concluded with all joining in the Corps Collect:

O God of power and might, whose all-pervading energy is the strength of nature and man, inspire, we pray thee, us thy servants of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, with thy quickening spirit of good will: that as honest craftsmen, seeking only the good of all in peace or in war, we may glorify thee both in the work of our hands, and in the example of our fellowship; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Standards were placed into the “Carry” position, and were “Ordered” during the National Anthem.

The event was brought to a closure with a “Blessing” by the Corps Chaplain.

With the days formal activities completed everyone retired to the hospitality marquee where a lunch buffet was on offer.

 During the buffet break, the memorial refurbishment team were allowed to do a presentation to those assembled.  Major (Retd.) Gordon G Bonner whose huge input and leadership of the refurbishment project, gave an address covering the stages of the project, and also recognising the major roll and expertise given by the master stonemason Mr Keith Rackham of H. L. Perfitt Ltd of Diss, Norfolk, whose skilful efforts made the project a reality.

Following the address, Mr Maurice E Hope, project member and vice chairman of the Potteries and District branch of the R.E.M.E Association, presented a dossier containing a photographic record of the project's progress including a paper trail covering all correspondence, e-mail's etc. referring to the memorial to the Master General, which was accepted for safe keeping to the Corps archive.

 An unexpected and pleasant event followed with the presentation of a commendation certificate being presented to Major (Retd.) Gordon G. Bonner by the Master General in appreciation of the refurbishment teams efforts in bringing the project to a successful conclusion.

Following the buffet/lunch many of those present dispersed and took the opportunity to visit other areas of the NMA.




R.E.M.E. Standard bearers receiving instruction from Corps A.S.M. Liam Condron.


Music provided by the band of The Parachute Regiment.


The Corps Chaplain, the Reverend Stephen Thatcher Lth,ALCD,DPS,PGCE,CF, who conducted the service, with Mr Maurice E Hope, project member and Vice Chairman of the Potteries and District branch of the R.E.M.E Association.




In the light jacket, Major (Retd.) Gordon G. Bonner, R.E.M.E. who instigated the refurbishment project.






The Master General of the Corps, Lt .General Andrew Figgures C.B, C.B.E, delivers ‘The Tribute’.



Major (Retd.) Gordon G. Bonner, R.E.M.E. reads the program of events leading to the ‘Refurbishment.’


Mr Maurice E Hope, project member and vice chairman of the Potteries and District branch of the R.E.M.E Association, presented a dossier containing a photographic record of the project's progress including a paper trail covering all correspondence, e-mail's etc. referring to the memorial to the Master General, which was accepted for safe keeping to the Corps archive.



A commendation certificate being presented to Major (Retd.) Gordon G. Bonner by the Master General in appreciation of the refurbishment team’s efforts in bringing the project to a successful conclusion.


Memorial Refurbishment and Rededication management team, Maurice Hope and Gordon Bonner.



In appreciation of the Band Of The Parachute Regiment.



To read a report of the original Dedication Service of the memorial 




Published: 22nd July 2015.





                                                                    go_top               Miscellaneous photos of the event.






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