The following photographs
of the event were kindly contributed by and remain the
Copyright © of Mr & Mrs. J Robinson.

Turning from Station Road
into Shute End.

Pictured in the background
is St. Paul’s Church.

Joining Broad Street from
Shute End.



Leading troops arriving at
Broad Street.

To the left is the Tudor
House which is now a doctor’s surgery.

To Strike Up The Band, Click
on the Photo.
R.E.M.E. Corps Quick March is
based on Lilliburlero and
incorporates a version of the French tune Aupres de ma blonde.
Australian Corps, R.A.E.M.E.
also uses Lilliburlero but adds
its own distinctive tune which you can experience by clicking on this
link. Long live memories of Marlene Dietrich.
Copyright © and source of the information can be found HERE
nostalgia rules then the B.B.C. Version of Lilliburlero may be for you.

Troops in close order in
Broad Street.


Mayor of Wokingham Town Council, Councillor Peter Lucey, is invited to
inspect the troops. John Redwood, MP
for Wokingham, is seen in front of the drawn sword, accompanied by Lady
Elizabeth Godsal, High Steward of Wokingham. Wokingham also has a Borough Mayor.



Permission to March Off.
First Published: 15th June 2012.
Latest Update: 1st July 2015.