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John TODD's Photo Album


A.A.S. Arborfield Intake 52A


John Todd passed away on the 4th December 2006.  IN MEMORIAM  We are indebted to his son Andrew who very kindly made John's photos available to us for display on the website.  Shortly after arriving at Arborfield John made a very astute purchase of a camera from one of the Burmese lads who had joined us.  Many of the photos displayed in T.A.T. could be attributed to John.  Here we display a variety of shots which help to tell the Arborfield story, not just the story of 52A.  Many of the identities and intakes of the lads are lost in the mists of time.  If you can fill in the missing details then please contact the Editorial Staff so that we can tell a more detailed story.

Contributed by: Trevor STUBBERFIELD (52A)



JT 2

John Trevor Colin

Ray Mannall         John Todd        Tha Win Tommy

John Todd     Trevor Stubberfield      Colin Lenihan

52A H.Q. Company, Spring 1952

52A H.Q. Company, Spring 1952


JT 4

JT 7

Bill Gibson                John Todd

Danny Yule

52A lads pictured in Trafalgar Square on the way back to Arborfield after leave in Scotland.

52A H.Q. Company, Spring 1952.


A mixed intake group of Arborfield Lads.  Plenty of G Flogs proudly displayed.


Set with the picnic table and tents this scene may well be a Sports Day.


This photograph is thought to show an event  mentioned in "The Arborfield Apprentice" by Peter Gripton and is believed to be on the 16th March 1952 when H.Q. Company CSM Brady and CQMS Drury, Irish Guards, along with Regimental Policeman S/Sgt Perry, Royal Tank Regiment and PSI Sgt Keech, 15/19th Lancers, were presented with their Long Service and Good Conduct medals.  At the time Sgt Keech was a drill instructor with H.Q. Company and was in charge of D Squad.


Photograph by Reader & Ward, Aldershot.

"A" Company Rugby Team (Circa 1954)

Rear Rank L to R.  1.Kitchen, 2.Mayfield, 3.Horne, 4.Orchard, 5.Hamill, 6.N/K, 7.N/K, 8.Plant, 9.Todd.

Front Rank L to R   1.Kelsey, 2.Fenwick, 3.Hindley, 4.CSM Hippersley, 5.Revell, 6.Fleetwood, 7.Guthrie.



JT 14


JT 15

A/SGT John Todd 52A is……..


assaulted by A/T Brian Webb 52A but




JT 08


JT 09

help arrives in the form of A/CSM Rowland Taff  Powell and A/SGT Stan Thornton, both 52A who


escort A/T Webb to Fred Silver's B & B for a period of Rest and Recuperation.


      L>R:  n/k,               John Todd 52A,           Ormiston.

Mick Eden 52A


JT 24

                                             Thein San,      Ngwe Tun,                     Tin Oo,                Myo Tint.

Four Burmese Apprentices of Intake 52B.


Published: 15th March 2007


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