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A Craftsman’s Story 1948 to I953


 Contributed by: Phil KEMPSTER


Chapter Nine Photographs


Album 3: In & Around Singapore


Jock outside the ‘Sandes Soldiers Home’ near 42 Base Workshops.


1950 - Cpl. Taffy Ayers the staff car driver waiting for the C.O. in Singapore after he returned to UK.

Sometimes I did this job


Anderson Bridge, Singapore, near the harbour.


Capitol Cinema, Singapore City Centre.


Cathay Building, the tallest building in the city.

Cinema and restaurant on the ground floor and on the top was Radio Singapore.


Chinese Temple in China Town, Singapore City.


Clifford Pier, near the harbour, Singapore.


The river (Singapore River) that went down to the harbour.

Local poor families lived in boats on this river and the smell from it was awful.


Government Building, Singapore Centre.


North Bridge Road, Singapore.


One of the many Out-of-Bounds areas of Singapore City. This is where the brothels were.


Orchard Road, the posh area of Singapore.


1950 - St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore.


The famous Raffles Hotel, Singapore.


The ‘Great World’, another night-spot, just out of Singapore City Centre.


The ‘Happy World’, yet another night-spot.

This is where all the wrestling matches took place just outside of Singapore City.


The ‘New World’ in Singapore.


The Rex Cinema, Singapore City Centre.


1950 - The ‘Stamford Café’, Singapore, one of my and Pete’s favourite eating places.


Victoria Hall, Singapore City.


The ‘Shackle Club’, a Forces’ Club in Singapore.


“Haw Par Villa”



Published: 1st October 2007