As well as the contingent
at the Arborfield Army Apprentices
School, Burmese apprentices were
also trained at the Chepstow and Harrogate
schools. This page is devoted to the
lads at Harrogate.
The first photo has been
contributed by Mya Than 54B. After five years in the Signals Corps he
retired as a Marine Electrical Engineer.
Arborfield lads may notice
that whilst wearing brass collar dogs, Harrogate
continued with the cloth shoulder flashes.
By this time Arborfield had adopted the brass shoulder flashes,
backed by company colours.

Rear Rank: 1.Jim Webster, 2.Bockman, 3.Pat Han, 4.Syd
Jeune, 5.Evan Dave.
1.Mya Than, 2.Wolff,
3.Joe Flynn.
The next two photos below have been contributed by John Richardson 54A Harrogate AAS.
Intake 54A Harrogate AAS.

54A Burmese Apprentices featured: Mya Thaung,
Soe Tint and Tin Hla.

Intake 54A. Seated Front Left: Maung Maung Aye. Centre Row 6th from the left: Tin Hla.
The photo below has been
contributed by Alan Roberts 53B Harrogate with additional information provided by Trevor Bill Powell, also of 53B. It shows apprentices of 53B, D
Company on an Outward Bound exercise.

L to R: 1.Scouse Goulden,
2.Bryan Woodfield, 3.John Alcock, 4.Dennis
Hawkins, 5.Alan Roberts,
6.Myo Myint, 7.John Turnbull, 8.Derek Cain.
This and other photos are
available on the web site of the Military Survey Branch of the Royal
Engineers Association which can be accessed from the link below

The three photos that
follow were contributed by Bryan
Woodfield 53B Harrogate, who is also
featured in the photo above. These
photos show Kin Aung , also 53B, a close friend of
Bryan. He also recalls Maung Maung Aye as his room L/Cpl in
September 53 when he joined. He was
very smart, formal and precise and left Harrogate
as an A/Sgt.

Kin Aung 53B, Harrogate
Army Apprentices

Kin Aung 53B wearing a borrowed jacket.

Front Row, 2nd from left, Bryan Woodfield, 3rd from
left, Kin Aung, both 53B.
For direct access to the Association of Harrogate Apprentices Web Site.

First published: 15th August 2007
Latest Update: 16th May 2016
