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Max WARWICK’s 70th Birthday



I had a surprise on Saturday the 22nd May when I & Thea joined my daughter and son, and his wife at Lutterworth for a quiet lunch at a local hotel to celebrate my 70th. After an hour quaffing a celebratory drink or two and just about to go in for meal we were suddenly invaded by three old timers of our 49B vintage complete with wives! I thought I had managed to escape from behaving myself but it was not to be.


I am told it put some more years on my face - for a moment of course. Yes, you guessed it, Gordon Bonner & Muriel, Pete Henry & Doreen and Dick Wright and Carole. It was a great day which ended sometime through midday Sunday.

Max Warwick


Photograph: Gordon Bonner


(rear) Dick Wright, Pete Henry, Gordon Bonner, Max Warwick, Paul Warwick (Max’s son)

(centre) Thea Warwick, Louise Warwick (Paul’s wife), Muriel Bonner, Doreen Henry, Carole Wright

(front) Fiona Howard (Max’s daughter), Jake (Max’s grandson)