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61B, 1961 – 64.

Arborfield Army Apprentice’s School.


Contents compiled by Alan Jones (61B)



61B, Intake Strength:  120.


Permenant Staff Instructors:

‘A’ Squad: Sgt. Sanderson H.R. Royal Artillery.

‘B’ Squad: Sgt. Corlett W. Royal Artillery.

‘C’ Squad: Sgt. Pittendreigh, R.E.M.E.

‘D’ Squad: Sgt. Elliott C. Devon & Dorset Regiment.


26.  61B, ‘B’ Company, M.T.C. early 1964.

Rear Rank: between Ken and Al is Gerry Kelson.

Front Rank:  No 1 n/k, 2 Ken Barker, 3 Al Jones, 4 John Shields, 5 Rob Dyer, 6 Dick Shephard (White outfit to demonstrate snow camouflage later), 7 Tony Greengrove.


72c.  Passing Out Gate Ramp, 1964. 

Ray Doughty, 9 Div, M.T.C.


47.  61B, 6 Div. First Stripes.

L>R:  No 1 Jimmy Akpan, 2 n/k, 3 Ken Norris, 4 Dave Durham, 5 Steve Bluett, 6 (Rear) Terry Rush,

6 (Front) Bill Parks, 7 Tony Truluck, 8 n/k, 9 Ray Doughty, 10 Gary Wright, 11 Gerry White. In the background looking on is Ray Phelps.         


45.  Duties of the Company Orderly A/Sergeant.




First Published: 1st March 2016.

Latest Update: 7th March 2016.





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