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61B, 1961 – 64.

Arborfield Army Apprentice’s School.


Contents compiled by Alan Jones (61B)



Faces and Names.


14.  ‘B’ Coy. 1964.

Sgts. 3.  Gerry Kelson, Al Jones, Dick Shephard. One of those many silly moments.


14a.  ‘B’ Coy. Jan 1964.

Sgts. 4.  A/T CSM Brian Hutchins (later promoted to A/T RSM), A/T Sgt. Gerry Kelson, A/T Sgt. Al Jones,

A/T Sgt. Dick Shephard (later promoted to A/T/ CSM).


34.  ‘B’ Coy. Lines, ‘B’ Coy Office in the far background.

Al Jones, Tony Greengrove and Ray Doughty, ready for guardroom booking out inspection.


37.  61A ‘B’ Coy.

Tony Greengrove prior to joining 61B, next to Bill Parks in the white jumper.


38.  61B, ‘B’ Coy, Room C1. 1962/63.

Tony Greengrove.


39.  ‘B’ Coy. 8 Div. 1963.

Silly moments in Reading with Al Jones and Tony Greengrove.


40.  61B ‘B’ Coy. Room C1. The cold winter of 1962/63.

Rear Rank:  No.1 Johnny Rowsell, 2 Gerry Kelson, 3 Brian Hutchins, 4 Al Jones, Jim Hunter, 5 Ray Doughty, Tony Greengrove.

Front Rank:  1 Ray Phelps, 2 Room A/L/Cpl. Skelton, A/Cpl. Barnfield, 4 Tony Ameh.


41.  61B ‘B’ Coy. Room C1. 1962/63

Ray Doughty, Gerry Kelson, ‘Ginge’ Hunter, Bugs Hutchins and Al Jones.


42.  ‘B’ Coy. Room C1. 1962/63.

Front Left, Bob Lee, Front Right, Al Jones, and Rear in front of the fire doors, Terry Newton.


43.  ‘B’ Coy. Outside of ‘D’ Block.

Johnny Rae and Al Jones.


44.  ‘B’ Coy. 1961.

Ray Doughty, Ginge Hunter (up), Ken Barker (down), Al Jones, Alan Stickland (rear), n/k, Tony Greengrove.


110.  ‘B’ Coy lines, 5 Div.

James ‘Ginge’ Hunter, Ken ‘Legs’ Barker.


109.  ‘B’ Coy lines, 6 Div.

Richard ‘Shep’ Shephard, Rob Dyer, Brian’ Bugs’ Hutchins, Al Jones.


20.  1963.

Al White, AAS Base Drum.  In the background is the school main hall, black wooden hut used as changing rooms and Nissen hut store for chairs etc.


23  Passing Out Parade 1963.  Arborfield Army Apprentices School.

‘B’ Company, Casino Wing, 1963 POP, led by Al Jones 61B.


24  Passing Out Parade,  Arborfield Army Apprentices School.

No information available regarding date or wing.


22.  B’Coy, Room C1.

Both Ranks L>R:  Gerry Kelson, Johnny Rowson, Ray Doughty, Jim Hunter, Room A/T L/Cpl Skelton, Ken Barker, Tony Greengrove.



10.  61B ‘C’ Coy Lines.

1 Pete Pope, 2 Douglas Bennett, 3 Gordon Steele, 4 David Foster.


106.  61B ‘C’ Coy Lines.

1 Harry Justice, 2 Brian ‘Smudge’ Smith, 3 n/k.


29.  ‘D’ Coy Lines.

Ian ‘Tiny’ Joyce and friends.


30.  ‘D’ Coy Lines.

Birthday silly moments.


31.  Sgt. Winchester, P.S.

Farewell, with connections to ‘D’ Coy.  NB. White belts give an idea of date.


105.  Harry Justice (left) ‘Best Man’, congratulates John ‘Ginge’ Solomon at his wedding day after leaving the Arborfield A.A.S. in 1964.


112.  Keith Cook and Alf ‘Doodles’ Dudley.


127.   Alf Dudley (61A) then 61B




First Published: 1st February 2016.

Latest Update: 1st July 2017.





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