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Arborfield Army Apprentices School.


Passing Out Parade for Intake 52A


2nd February 1955.


Edited by: Trevor STUBBERFIELD (52A)


Inspecting Officer Major-General W.A. Lord, C.B. C.B.E. accompanied by A/CSM Roland ‘Taff’ Powell and the School Commandant, Colonel F.A.H. Magee of the East Surreys.


Identity Key:  No.1 A/CSM Kelvin ‘Bob’ Roberts, 2. Colonel F.A.H. Magee, 3. A/CSM Roland ‘Taff’ Powell,

4. Major-General W.A. Lord, C.B. C.B.E., 5. Alan Gordon, 6. George Pugh, 7. Ohn Thwin, 8. ‘Blondie’ Hilton,

9. Myint Shwe, 10. Brian Paton, 11. Tin Ohn, 12. George Peacock, 13. Joe Plant, 14. John Todd,

15. Frank Bass, 16. Aung Myint Thyne, 17. n/k,  18. Dick King, 19. Tha ‘Tommy’ Win.


Salute given by A/CSM Kelvin ‘Bob’ Roberts, ‘C’ Company.


The ‘General Salute’.


A/CSM Kelvin ‘Bob’ Roberts, ‘C’ Company leading, followed by A/SGT H J Navin.


A/CSM Dennis Chapman leading.


Major-General W.A. Lord, C.B. C.B.E. presents the ‘Commandants Cup for Military Ability’ to A/CSM Kelvin ‘Bob’ Roberts of ‘C’ Company, one of several awards made to him.  The School Commandant, Colonel F.A.H. Magee of the East Surreys looks on whilst there is a glimpse of RSM R.L. McNally, Scots Guards, in the background.

The Passing Out Parade program for 52A is shown below, and it contains full details of all the awards made at the end of 3 years training for the intake.  







Published: 15th October 2012.

Latest Update: 1st November 2012.
