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The Eleventh Hour, of the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month

in the Year 2012


And Nations of the Free World shall fall silent in Honour of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice in defence of that Freedom.


We remember them all, yet let us keep a corner in our hearts especially for those of our comrades whose service began through the gates of Arborfield.




The bugles that were singing stopped,

At exactly 11 o’clock.

Soldiers, uncles, aunts and brothers,

Side by side with fathers and mothers,

All joined together on this November day,

Beside the monument where poppy wreaths lay,

Remembering those who lost their lives,

In fields full of battle cries.

Courageous young soldiers who fell for their countries,

Who fought in the skies, on the land and high seas,

Brave men and women who shall rest in peace,

Now their war is over and the fighting has ceased,

So today we wear red poppies with pride,

To never forget all those who have died.


© The thoughts of Rachel Cornish.




They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them,

We will remember them.





Click On


The Wreath to listen.






Published: 1st November 2012.

Latest Update: 1st November 2015.








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