Photographs contributed by George MILLIE March 1958 - Maintenance Support Services (MSS) RAF & REME Technical Personnel RAF personnel identified by Roy EGERTON (back row - left) Cpl ‘ (centre row - left) n/k RAF, Cpl ‘Jock’ Cameron REME, Cpl Ken
Russell REME, Roy Egerton RAF (front row) – Sgt n/k RAF, Cfn n/k
REME, Cpl George Millie, Cpl Roy 'Gonka' Godliman, Cfn ‘Jock’ Aird REME, Cpl n/k RAF, n/k RAF (kneeling) – n/k RAF Note: Roy Egerton later served at RAF Stations Brüggen
(BAOR), St. Mawgan ( |
May 1958 – The “MSS CUP"
Historical note: The “MSS Cup” was an annual soccer competition played
between MSS and the Flights in the Squadron. In the years prior to 1957 the
Squadron title was 652 AOP Squadron. The Spectators - “Football Hooligans” RAF personnel identified by Roy EGERTON (from the left) – LAC n/k RAF, Cpl n/k RAF, Flight Sgt n/k
RAF, Sgt n/k RAF, Cfn n/k REME, Cpl ‘Chalky’
White RAF, Cpl George Millie REME, n/k RAF, n/k RAF, Cpl Ken Russell REME,
n/k RAOC, Roy Egerton RAF, n/k RAF, Cpl n/k RAF The Players - MSS Soccer Team of 1958 Contributed by Bob LANGLEY (52B) - RAF personnel identified by Roy
EGERTON (standing) – n/k RAF, ‘Jock’ Cameron REME, n/k RAF, ‘Jock’ Aird REME, n/k RAF, n/k RAF, Danny Foster REME (kneeling) – n/k RAF, Bob Langley REME, n/k RAF, n/k REME, David
Kemp RAF Information added 15th November 2012. E-mail received from ex RAF Cpl. Bob
Sutherland who identifies himself as standing 2nd from the right in the photo
above. Bob handed over his duties to
George Millie 49B, seen below, in 1958.
After a gap of 54 years they have been put back in touch with each
other. More information from Bob is
undergoing preparation so it’s a case of ‘watch this space’. |
July 1958 - MSS Electrical, Instruments &
Radio Workshop
Radio Servicing Bay
Sgt George MILLIE at the bench |
August 1958
George MILLIE, & Terry REDDIN who
was later posted to |
1958 - 652 Squadron Corporals’ Mess
“The Bar Flies”
(left to right) – Cpl ‘Sos’ Sutton
REME, Cpl n/k RAF, Cpl Ken Russell REME, Cpl George Millie REME, Cpl Bob Langley REME, Bombadier
Gledhill RA (from centre) – Cpl George Millie, Cpl Ken Russell, Cpl ‘Sos’ Sutton (barman) (left to right) – Cpl n/k RAF, Cpl Ken Russell, Cpl George
Millie, Cpl Bob Langley (back to camera) |
Hermann’s Denkmal
statue, a symbol of German unity, erected 1838-1873. Called “Hermann’s Dinkle Donkle” by British Servicemen of the era. A prominent landmark and navigation
aid on a hilltop overlooking Detmold |
1958 & 1959 - Visiting Aircraft
Piper PA-18 Light Aircraft - Royal Belgian Air Force
'Jack' RAF, Corporal Roy Drury REME, & n/k RAF RAF Single Pioneer XL 558 RAF de Havilland DHC-2
Beaver Light Utility Transport aircraft XN 142 Parked to the right is one of our Auster Mk IX light aircraft XK
416 Edgar Percival EP-9
experimental Light Utility Transport aircraft XM 797 |
March 1958 -
February 1960
Auster Mk VII WJ 371 – Landing on boggy ground
Auster Mk VII WJ 375 – Hidden drainage ditch Auster Mk VII WJ 377 – Hidden depression Auster Mk VII (registration
unidentified) - Undercarriage clipped a parked vehicle on take-off Auster Mk VII WE 556 -
Power line strike on landing approach Auster Mk VII VF 607 –
Cow-strike on take-off The cow got up, moo-ed loudly and strolled away! Auster Mk VII (registration
unidentified) – Undercarriage clipped fence-wire during landing approach Auster Mk VII VF 615 –
Pilot error during take-off Auster Mk VII VF 505 – Port
wingtip bird-strike during take-off First
Published: 8th November 2006. Latest
Update: 1st May 2013. |